Immigration Law

“Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.”
John F. Kennedy

Being a first-generation immigrant himself, attorney Leo Garbuzov sympathizes with and understands the dreams and aspirations of people seeking to obtain immigration benefits for themselves and their families.

To those lucky enough to be born in America, it may be difficult to understand just how exceptionally valuable it is to be “American”, to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world. For others of us who were not lucky to gain U.S. citizenship by birth, the immigration process and the path to becoming a U.S. Citizen is a journey paramount to climbing Mount Everest or crossing the Sahara desert barefoot on the hottest day of the year. Yet, each year hundreds of thousands of people attain their dream and become naturalized U.S. Citizens. Their stories are there to remind us that, while the “dream” of becoming a citizen may not be easy or straightforward, it is also not futile or unattainable.

The paths that lead to citizenship and/or permanent residency are as varied and diverse as the people and the cultures that comprise our population. For some, the path lies through a Petition for Alien Relative filed by a close relative who is already a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident. For others, it may come through the Fiancée Petition, filed on their behalf by their American-based fiancée. Some may be eligible to come to the United States as refugees, based upon Political Asylum, while others may be able to obtain immigration benefits through Employment-based petitions, the Deferred Action program or under the Violence Against Women Act.

Even when one comes to the United States on a valid visa, navigating the labyrinth of immigration forms, appointments, filing fees, and interviews may be challenging and sometimes downright intimidating. Sometimes what you need is a straight forward answer as to how to renew your temporary resident card, where to go for an “immigration physical exam”, and whether your work visa will allow you to work for another employer.

At the Garbuzov Law Firm, PLLC we believe that while your immigration case may be a “journey” it should not be a mystery. We welcome you to contact our firm for a consultation about your immigration matter and to get all of your questions answered. Leo Garbuzov has a proven track record of representing clients in a wide variety of immigration matters and obtaining outstanding results in a timely and orderly fashion. When hiring Leo Garbuzov, you can be sure that all your questions will be answered, all your documents will be filled out and submitted timely, and that you will be informed about every development in your case.

Since immigration matters are highly detailed and fact-specific, the Garbuzov Law Firm, PLLC is usually unable provide free legal telephone consultations about such cases. However, we are proud to offer a flat-fee in-office consultation, where for a small consultation fee, you can obtain a 1.5 hour consultation with attorney Leo Garbuzov, which includes a detailed review of your case documents and a discussion of all possible options available in your matter. We are also proud to offer flat-fee agreements for a majority of our immigration-related legal matters, so as to alleviate your fears about being unable to “afford” the lawyer to help you along your journey to the American dream!

We welcome you to contact our office to further discuss your immigration case or to find out your eligibility for immigration benefits.

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